MA-253 STATISTICS - Week 12: Regressions1. Independent VS Dependent Variables
2. Choosing the x and y axis
3. Scatter Plots
4. Drawing Scatter Plots
5. Relationships in Scatter Plots
6. Correlation Coefficients
7. Finding the Correlation Coefficient
8. Finding Correlation Coefficient EXAMPLE
9. Now You Try! (Correlation Coefficient)
10. Interpreting Correlation
11. Testing Correlation
12. Testing Correlation EXAMPLE
13. Now You Try! (Testing Correlations)
14. Correlation VS Causation
15. Regression
16. Sum of Squares
17. Calculating the regression line
18. Calculating the Regression Line (EXAMPLE)
19. Now You Try! (regression lines)
20. Week 12 Vocabulary
21. Week 12 Formula Sheet
22. Correlation and Regression Calculator