MA-253 STATISTICS - Week 10: Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing1. Estimators
2. Confidence Levels
3. C.I. when Standard Deviation is Known
4. Standard Deviation Known EXAMPLE
5. CI population standard deviation known Now You Try!
6. t-distribution
7. C.I. when standard deviation unknown
8. Unknown Standard Deviation EXAMPLE
9. CI population standard deviation unknown Now You Try!
10. Stating a Hypothesis
11. Error Types
12. When to Reject
13. The 5-Steps of solving Hypothesis Testing Problems
14. z-test
15. z test EXAMPLE
16. Now You Try! (z-test)
17. t-test
18. t-test EXAMPLE
19. Now You Try! (t-test)
20. Week 10 Vocabulary
21. Week 10 Formula Sheet
22. t-table